2021 Reflections: A Year in Review

My, what a year it’s been! Full of growth, connection, learning, and recovery.

Growth & Expansion

Free Flow Botanicals (and I) grew in many ways - expanding my retail and wholesale markets, getting back to in person events, collaborations, teaching classes, serving the highly sensitive person (HSP) community, and getting to know my customers and supporters better.

I had the honor of collaborating with many talented artists, change-makers, and content creators, and new friendships were created -- both virtually and IRL!

A one-stop shop for herbalism & holistic beauty

In 2019, when I decided to focus on this business full-time , I knew wanted to offer more than skincare products my goal was to be a one-stop shop for herbalism & holistic beauty.

So I developed herbalism & holistic beauty classes. I met with clients in my clinical herbalism practice. It was a lot of handle and often felt like I was running 3 different businesses - which eventually led me to experiencing burnout for the first time.

Know your numbers

I also realized that in order to make things work in the long term, I needed to get a better handle on my finances. So I met with other entrepreneurs and with experts through the Renaissance Entrepreneurship Center. I sought help from my partner, a finance whiz. I took financial and managerial accounting classes at a local community college.

I wasn’t able to launch products that I originally intended to or create as much social media content as I would have liked, but I learned a ton about my business financials & operations. Better late than never, right?

Personal life updates

On a personal note, this year I celebrated my 40th, moved homes (again!) and spent time with friends & family in Tucson, Sedona, Hawaii, Oregon, and Mexico City. 

My partner left his corporate job in July to start his own energy consulting firm, and we just celebrated him landing his first big contract!

As I continue to enjoy this break and recover from burnout, I’ll be resting deeply so I can restore what’s been depleted. It’s a process but I’m well on my way :)

What about you? Any thoughts or realizations from this year that you’d like to share? 


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1 Response

Natty Ngoc

Natty Ngoc

January 06, 2022

Hi Patty! Thank you for sharing your reflections! It was a big year for me too. Looking forward to what’s to come in 2022!

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